Wow, I am all of a sudden a force to be reckon with, let me tell you!
Don't know if it is the Kale/Spinach/fruit smoothies I have been drinking, the fact that I am consistently working out 3 days a week, the fact that I am sleeping better due to getting a newer mattress from some friends of ours, or the fact that last week I had an incredible day where I experienced pure joy and have been continuing to experience it ever since - or maybe all the above!
Not sure what it is but I am going to go with it - this weekend I finally cleaned out the rat infested shed. My dad came over and helped me take two loads to the dump. That really got the ball rolling and I ended up spending a good portion of Saturday cleaning out the rest.
Now I have to tell you that the shed has bothered me for over a year. I have a rodent phobia of sorts, I pretty much get hysterical at the sight of any kind of rodent - mice, rats, gerbils, ferrets etc. etc.
Luckily, I never saw any just their damage to numerous boxes and all the remnants that they thought of the shed as their castle. I must have shoveled a bag full of their little leftovers - yes the shed was full of rat dooty! But I got it done, mostly because I was fed up.
I have also cleaned out the garage and am planning out my garden, which I will be starting in the next few weeks.
Usually, when I look at my list of To-Do's I instantly get overwhelmed. This week however, I look at this list and think - I can do and I can do it well. One job at a time, one day at a time. Done.
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