Sunday, August 11, 2013

Obedience Is...

I asked my Sunday School class this morning what obedience is.  One of the kids gave this answer - "Obedience is Love".  Wow, most of them were responding with things like "Listening to your parents"; "Doing what your told"; one even said "Obeying" :).

But when this one young lady replied with this answer I was blown away.  She is absolutely right, Obedience is Love.

Obedience is an act of love, obedience is an act of respect, obedience is an act humility, obedience is an act of trust. This made me ask myself these 2 questions:

What areas am I being obedient in?

What areas in my life am I not acting in obedience/love?

I think I need to work on a few things....